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Charles M.Daniels, III  
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About Giclée offered by Thunderhead Arts


Giclée are state-of-the-art reproductions that can be virtually indistinguishable from an original painting under normal viewing. Thunderhead Arts Giclée are of the highest quality possible. Our Giclée, produced by a leader in the industry, use only the finest inks, materials and printing systems to produce the best possible image available. They have set the standard for Giclée quality. Each Thunderhead Arts Giclée is remarqued, numbered, hand signed by Mr. Daniels and is accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity. This Certificate shows the title, number, and edition size of the Giclée. All Giclée are limited editions of 85, and Artist Proof editions of 15. The remarqing process entails actually painting over areas of the reproduction, thus allowing each Giclée to be a unique piece of art in and of itself.


For additional information on the Giclée process>